The Best Birthday Present a Holly Hobbie Fanatic Could Ever Receive!

  So, if you have followed my obsessions at all you will know that I am LITERALLY OBSESSED with vintage Holly Hobbie items from the 70's. When my sister, Lisa, said she had gotten me the PERFECT birthday present and that she wanted to give it to me in person, I have to admit I was excited. We saw each other in October (2 months BEFORE my birthday), but we exchanged presents anyway. I was just flabbergasted and speechless (which does NOT happen often) - it literally was THE PERFECT PRESENT for me. She found these lovely Holly Hobbie and Heather dolls - and they are very reminiscent of Lisa and I, she had dark hair and I had an unfortunate shade of light brown as a tiny child.  I believe it was frequently referred to as "dirty dishwater".   So this shout out is for LISA!  Thanks, this meant the world to me! We are now on a joint mission to find this type of a rope bed for the girls, make Grannie nightgowns and mop-caps for them (with the gowns embroidered with "Lisa Ann" and "Sissy Kay") and to make a blue striped ticking mattress for the bed.   Here we are on our way to the Dixie Chicks concert in December of 2006 - neither of us knows what our real hair colors are now - we suspect some black and pepper gray with some faded gray brown. Your sis, Sissy Kay (k/n/a Sher) Query:  1 - Have you already received your "perfect" present?  If so, what was it?  or  If not, what would it be??
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